Agricultural Stewardship AssociationAgricultural Stewardship Association

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Become an ASA Business Sponsor

As an ASA Business Sponsor, you will reach thousands of people who care about the place they have chosen to live, work, and play. Show your clients, employees, and neighbors that YOU care too, by helping ASA protect our region's farmland and forests.


If you would like to enroll your business or organization as an ASA Business Sponsor, print and fill out the 2024 Sponsor Giving Form below, or email our Community Engagement Manager.


About ASA's Business Sponsorship Program:

  • Unlike most sponsorship requests which are only for a single event…Your Business Sponsorship to ASA will directly support ALL of our programming for the entire year – approximately 25 individual events –   which means incredible exposure for your business/organization over 12 months!

  • In-kind goods or services: During special times of the year we will need items for our events, ie. beverages, event space, silent auction items, etc. If you make an in-kind donation of goods or services, we will take the value of your donation and apply it towards a partnership level for the specific event you are donating to.



Your Business Sponsorship covers ALL ASA Events & Programs for the Year, including:


This popular annual art exhibition is a highlight of the community calendar for the Columbus Day weekend, attracting more than 2,000 art buyers from all over the Capital Region, the North Country, Vermont, and Western Massachusetts. For more details about the show, click here.


This series of 15-18 interactive programs is designed to connect people with some of the farms we’ve helped conserve. Besides tours, the programs include nature hikes, gleaning (with gleaned produce donated to local food pantries), workshops of various kinds, and the Farm Photography for Kids program. Your support allows us to offer programs to area residents and nearby urban communities, such as Troy and Albany.


Each summer, ASA hosts a locally-sourced dinner to honor the many families who have conserved their land. With guest speakers and a live auction, the event—always a sellout!—is a festive way to celebrate the people who have made farmland conservation a reality. Your support helps cover the event costs as well as complimentary tickets for the farm families who have conserved their land.


We offer several programs that provide support to farmers. Through the Hudson Valley Farmlink Network, ASA serves as a resource to match beginning farmers seeking land with landowners looking to lease or transfer their land to the next generation. In addition to workshops on estate planning and leasing options, ASA also offers training for young and novice farmers on business planning, wholesale marketing opportunities, and peer-to-peer mentoring.



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