Agricultural Stewardship AssociationAgricultural Stewardship Association

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Ways to Give

Many types of gifts, from cash to stock or real estate, may be made during your lifetime and allow ASA to put your donation to work right away. You may also support ASA with a planned gift that provides income to ASA in the future.

Charitable donations, whether immediate or deferred, may offer significant tax benefits. While ASA can provide general information about the tax deductibility of a donation, you are encouraged to consult with a financial advisor, accountant or attorney about your specific circumstances.


Immediate Gifts:

One-Time Cash Donations: A gift of cash is the simplest and most common way to support ASA’s annual work or its capital needs. Cash gifts may be made by check or credit card.

Monthly Cash Donations: Monthly recurring donations allow you to spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year, making your commitment more manageable.

Monthly donations are convenient and paperless. That means once you sign up, your gifts are automatically managed. Simply give ASA a call and we’ll enter your credit card information and you'll be all set — the only thing you have to do from there is feel great about the amazing work you are supporting!

Gifts of Appreciated Securities: Gifts of stock can be structured to reduce capital gains taxes on stock sales. For a gift of stock, please use ASA’s account with Wells Fargo. Download ASA's stock transfer information: Wells Fargo Stock Gifts for ASA or contact Renee Bouplon for more information.

Gifts of Real Estate: There are several different ways to gift real estate to ASA. We would be happy to talk with you more about your specific goals. Start a conversation.

IRA Roll-Over: You can make a gift for land conservation directly from an IRA.


Planned Gifts for the Future:

Bequests Through Your Will or Living Trust: You may designate ASA in your will or living trust as the recipient of cash, real estate, stock or another asset that you desire by having your attorney add special wording to your will or trust document. You may also leave a percentage of your overall estate to ASA. To learn more about bequests, click here.

The following is suggested bequest language:

I give and bequeath to the Agricultural Stewardship Association, Inc. (Tax ID # 22-3084628), a nonprofit charitable organization located in Greenwich, New York, the sum of ______ dollars (or all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate) to be used for its general support.

Easy Beneficiary Designations: Beneficiary designations are easy to make, do not require you to hire an attorney and remain under your control during your lifetime. You can request a beneficiary designation form from the custodian of your IRA account or other retirement plan, life insurance policy, bank account, brokerage account or donor-advised fund. On this form, you’ll name ASA as the beneficiary to inherit a specific asset, like your IRA or insurance benefits.

Retirement Plan Assets: IRA and 401(k) plans are taxed differently than other assets and may carry significant tax liability when passed to heirs. Leaving a percentage of your IRA or 401(k) to ASA, and other, less tax-vulnerable assets to loved ones, can reduce this liability for your heirs. And, as retirement plan assets pass tax-free to ASA, 100% of your gift can be used to further ASA’s mission.

Life Insurance Policies: You can name ASA as the full or partial beneficiary of a life insurance policy you no longer need. You can also sign over a fully-paid policy to ASA and receive a tax deduction for your gift.

Donor-Advised Funds: A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic vehicle established at a community foundation, mutual fund company or brokerage firm which allows you to pool your money in one place and decide where to donate it later. By establishing a DAF, donors can make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax benefit and recommend grants from the fund over time.

The final distribution of what remains in your donor-advised fund is governed by the contract issued when your fund was created. We hope you will consider naming ASA as a beneficiary when you establish your fund. Or, you may name ASA as the charitable beneficiary of a portion of the remaining account value, leaving the balance to your heirs.

Real Estate: Giving your property to ASA is among the most generous legacies you can leave to future generations. A gift of real estate eliminates the costs and responsibilities of ownership, may reduce taxes, and provides generous financial support to ASA.

In addition to outright gifts of real estate, ASA accepts life estate agreements (which allow owners to gift their homes to ASA now while remaining at home for their lifetimes). After death, the full title of the property automatically transfers to ASA. In many cases, ASA will sell the land after protecting it with a permanent conservation easement.

CD’s, Bank and Brokerage Accounts: Assets like certificates of deposit, bank accounts and brokerage accounts can make for wonderful gifts to ASA. By naming ASA as the payable-on-death or transfer-on-death beneficiary, ASA will receive the proceeds from a CD, bank or brokerage account when you no longer need them.

Charitable Remainder Trust: A charitable remainder trust may be used to support loved ones and make a gift to ASA.

We would be happy to talk with you about your specific goals. Start a conversation.

ASA strongly recommends that you consult with your attorney, accountant and/ or financial advisor in evaluating which options might be appropriate for you in implementing a legacy gift.


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