Time: 7:00 -8:30 pm
Place: Zoom
Address: Link will be emailed 24 hours before event
Join ASA and Addison Kubik, educator for the Capital Region Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) to learn how you can participate in helping manage the spread of invasive species through citizen science.
Invasive plant and insect species are found in many, if not all of our forested lands. In this webinar and woods walk program, we will learn how to use the IMapInvasives app on our phones to identify and upload the location of invasive species to help organizations like PRISM to manage their spread.
Webinar: Wednesday, May 3rd 7-8:30 p.m.
Addison will review some of the common invasive species we see in our region. We will learn how to set up an account and use the IMapInvasives app.
Woods Walk: Saturday, May 6th 1-3 p.m.
We will meet at the Cambridge Community Forest for a walk to identify invasive plants and insects and practice using IMapInvasives. Addison will talk about the impact the plants and insects we identify have on the forest environment, and what management techniques we can use to help reduce their impact. We may also get to see some spring woodland flowers!
Register for the Woods Walk here: https://www.agstewardship.org/events/Citizen-Science-Invasive-Species-Woods-Walk-2242-event.htm
Support for this program is generously provided by the Robert H. Wentorf Foundation, Inc.
The Capital Region PRISM is hosted by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Saratoga County and is financially supported by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation via the Environmental Protection Fund. https://www.capitalregionprism.org/