Agricultural Stewardship AssociationAgricultural Stewardship Association

Field Notes Blog


May 04, 2021
Our Land Protection Work - A Plan to Guide the Next 5 Years

ASA was recently awarded a grant by the New York State Conservation Partnership Program to develop a new 5-year Land Conservation Plan to guide the organization's land conservation mission. While farmland protection remains a core focus, the new plan will incorporate additional goals identified in ASA's 2020-2025 strategic plan, including a renewed emphasis on working forest and woodland conservation, integrating new community conservation activities, and incorporating climate resiliency actions and strategies into our work.

As with previous conservation plans, we will rely on GIS, a computer mapping system, to analyze data and identify priority regions for land conservation efforts. The plan will also set funding goals necessary to achieve the benchmarks we establish.

Learn more about the land we have already conserved here.

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