Agricultural Stewardship AssociationAgricultural Stewardship Association

Field Notes Blog


Native Pollinators on a Protected Farm
June 12, 2020
Native Pollinators on a Protected Farm

This week I had the pleasure of joining Erin White and Hollie Shaw from the New York Natural Heritage Program as they conducted field research as part of the Empire State Native Pollinator Survey on the protected Mulligan Farm near Cambridge. Erin and Hollie spent the day walking the farm’s fields and forests to look for key native pollinators. While ASA’s focus is working with landowners to protect farmland and working forests, a bonus benefit of conservation easements is the protection of many acres of wildlife habitat, including areas which support our native pollinators. Learn more about the survey and how you can participate at  https://www.nynhp.org/pollinators and stay tuned to ASA for information on a planned pollinator walk in early August.

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