Agricultural Stewardship AssociationAgricultural Stewardship Association

Field Notes Blog


Inspired Giving
April 05, 2022
Inspired Giving

Phyllis Miyauchi

Legacy Society Member

When asked what inspired Phyllis Miyauchi to include ASA in her estate plans, she shared:
“I was brought up on a farm and have a love for the great outdoors. I’m saddened when I see once beautiful farmland and woodlands give way to housing developments. What could I do about it?
Last year I had to come up with a new estate plan. Here was a wonderful opportunity to do my part in saving these properties. ASA was the perfect organization to become a beneficiary of my investments and my will. I am also making donations each year as long as I live. My decisions will result in some small way in protecting what's left of our natural environment.”
Thank you, Phyllis, for naming ASA as one of your estate beneficiaries. Your gift will have a forever impact and leave your legacy of conservation. We're so grateful.
Currently, 23 supporters have stepped forward, shared that they have made a bequest to ASA and joined ASA’s Legacy Society. Only 7 more commitments are needed to reach the $15,000 maximum Bequest Challenge goal.
To learn more, please contact Donna Dodd-Thomas at donna@agstewardship.org or 518-692-7285. You may also complete a Bequest Challenge Commitment Form found on ASA’s “Ways to Give” page.

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